mysupply at the World Procurement Congress 2024: Unveiling the Future of Procurement Technology

We at mysupply are incredibly proud of our participation at the World Procurement Congress 2024, a top prestigious event showcasing the latest innovations in procurement technology. This platform brought together the brightest minds and most cutting-edge solutions in the industry, and we were thrilled to contribute our expertise and innovations.

Our Tech Showcase

On Thursday, May 16th, our CEO Andreas Zimmermann was showcasing our brand new AI Sourcing Assistant for Self-Service Sourcing. Our solution represents a leap forward in procurement technology, designed to streamline sourcing processes, enhance efficiency, and empower requestors with advanced self-service capabilities. We were excited to demonstrate its capabilities and discuss how it can transform procurement operations.

Couldn’ Make It? Stay Connected!

Couldn’t make it to the showcase? No worries! We understand that schedules can be tight. Ping us to catch up with the latest features of our solutions.  We’re always eager to connect, share insights, and explore how our innovations can support your procurement needs.

Let’s Shape the Future of Procurement Together!

The World Procurement Congress 2024 is more than just an event—it’s a gathering of forward-thinkers and industry leaders dedicated to advancing procurement. We look forward to connecting with fellow professionals, exchanging ideas, and shaping the future of procurement together.

Stay tuned for updates, and we hope to see you there! Let’s make tomorrow a day of innovation and collaboration.



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