Hello, supplier! You have been invited by one of our customers to submit an offer for an RFx!
Let us introduce ourselves first!
At mysupply, we are the champions of digitization in source-to-contract procurement.
We firmly believe that the latest technology can facilitate an exchange between suppliers and buyers that ensures a great negotiation process for both parties.
If you are familiar with us and our platform, you can proceed directly to the request. Simply click the Sign Up or Log In In button.
If this is your first experience with us, scroll down to learn how it all works and what to expect.
Free of charge:
mysupply is fully free of charge for suppliers.
Easy user guidance:
mysupply is intuitive and easy to use. Support is available to you at every step.
Digitalized process:
The process is fully digitalized, which saves you time and effort.
Dynamic competition:
Certain negotiation types will display your current ranking, allowing you to improve your bid .
Equal opportunities:
Fair competition ensures equal opportunities for all suppliers.
How does mysupply work for you?
Find and view a request
Browse public requests on mysupply or click the invitation link you received per email.
Review all information about the request - items, quantities, delivery & payment terms.
Draft and submit your offer
Mark the items you can supply as available and provide the total price for the quantity requested for each item.
Review your offer and submit it before the request's end date.
Check your e-mail for the next steps
The purchaser can invite you to complete the next steps in the process. Follow the guidance you receive from us and get the deal!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use mysupply as a supplier?
With mysupply, you can easily view Requests and submit Offers for them. The purchaser can invite you to complete the next steps in the process. Follow the guidance you receive from us and get the deal!
Do I have to pay to use mysupply as a supplier?
No. Mysupply is completely free of charge for all suppliers. Register with us today to start browsing requests!
Where can I browse public requests?
Once your supplier’s account has been approved, you can already start looking for public Requests. You will be able to see all public requests, showing you the Request title and timeline, as well as the status of your interaction – i.e., whether or not you have already submitted an offer.
How do I find the requests I've been invited to?
We'll send you an email every time a purchaser invites you to submit an offer for a request. Follow the link from the email and log in to view the request and submit your offer.
How do I draft an offer?
When you select a request you want to make an offer for, you can view the items, any attached files, the billing and shipping address, the delivery terms and payment conditions, if any have been added. At the bare minimum, a Request consists of one Item, a delivery address and payment & delivery terms.
Can I enter unit prices instead of total prices for each item?
Currently, the mysupply tool works with total prices. Total price = unit price x quantity. We're working on a solution that will allow the option for you to enter unit prices. Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!
How do I submit an offer?
If you have drafted your offer, please review it to ensure that all data is correct and that you have marked all items you want to offer as available. When your offer is finalized, go ahead and publish it to make it visible to the purchaser.
What if I need more time to finalize my offer?
Please keep to the request time frame specified in the invitation email you receive from us. You can draft an offer and edit it with updated information, but do not forget to publish the offer before the request deadline.
If you need further guidance, you can always book a personal meeting with our Customer Success Manager - Ivaylo, who will guide you through all steps of the process. Select your preferred meeting time from the button below.